
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

International Permaculture Day this Sunday at Hilton Harvest

You may have noticed that we spend a lot of time at our community garden, Hilton Harvest. We love it and work hard at it. Yesterday Davina and I moved part of our orchard to make way for a new fence. We had a bobcat and an expert helping us and it was so satisfying. I thought it would be such a back breaking job but throw in a machine and some fossil fuel and the job is done by 11am!

This Sunday we are moving our asparagus patch for the same reason. Everyone is welcome to the Busy Bees and usually there is a good spread of cake to share. AND this time it's International Permaculture Day!

The Permies are holding some workshops in the morning and are then coming for a tour of the Hilton Harvest and the chookship (our earthship style chicken house - totally delux accommodation!). So come to the garden at 12.30ish and have a tour! The day winds up at FERN with a gig from some wicked local groups including the Formidable Vegetable Sound System who sing exclusively (I think) about the principles of permaculture! We saw them on the weekend at Fairbridge and it was awes. So get grubby!

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