
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eight acres chook interview

We've just been interviewed about chooks by the Eight Acres blog, if you'd like to make any comments or have any questions, fire away. We're not really chook experts, but we'll do our best!


  1. Hi,
    Whats the breed of the pretty looking chook on the right hand side of your photo?


    1. Hi Phoebe. All four chooks are Australorps, just with different colouring. Australorps are good chickens, bred in Australia (I think a cross of White Leghorn and Orpington). Good for both eggs and meat.

  2. We always seem to be feeding several unproductive chooks too! It's a dilemma and one that we haven't found the answer to.

  3. I would like to suggest that if you would like to hatch chicks you could get a silky or Pekin bantam hen; both are excellent sitters and mothers. You will have to make sure your rooster isn't too aggressive though as the little girls (they are small even for bantams) don't stand up to bullies well.
    Also, on the subject of old girls; I keep all mine on the grounds that they become guardians and teachers of the younger ones and they do a lot more compost turning (I compost in the bottom of the chook runs then move them on and plant). I have had one hen now for 7 years and she still has an occasional egg, although she is mostly busy running the flock.

  4. Have you successfully integrated new chickens with the older ones? I heard if you introduced new chickens to an established group (we have 6 Isa Browns) they will be hen picked. Please explain your experience for this situation. I love your chicken fence photo. Merryn@merrynsmenu

    1. Hi Merryn. We've had no problems introducing new hens, no hen pecking. Sorry I can't give any advice on this except to say that having a pecking order is quite natural and that you should leave them to it unless a hen is injured.

  5. I would never have taken them to be Australorps, I have only seen the black ones like we have here. We cull and eat the roosters and unproductive ones knowing that they have had a good life and their end is quick.

