
Sunday, March 31, 2013

DIY deodorant

Since getting into plastic free living (in varying bouts of enthusiasm) I've found myself getting into aromatherapies. There is a whole world of info about aromatherapies and how to and not to use them. Its super interesting and I've had some amazing success. The most dramatic of which was putting a drop of tea tree oil on Quin's massive wart morning and night for three days then watching it gradually disappear over the next couple of weeks. I wish I had taken a before and after shot!

I've been making my own home made deodorant for a year or so now and I can testify that I do not smell bad. I smell like rose geranium and oranges. Very girly actually. And I'm not one of those lucky people who can get away without deodorant. I really can tell if I forget to use it! But this DIY product is as good as any I've purchased, and much more effective than other hippy solutions like the mineral crystals you wet and rub on your armpits. It does leave a slightly powdery residual on your arm pits and it might not be what you use when you wear your little back dress to the casino...but that's not really an issue for me. Its fine to use with singlets.

This, along with 15 minutes or so is all you need.

So here is the recipe:

1. Take equal parts of bi carb and cornflour - say 1/4 cup each
2. Add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil (you may need to microwave it to turn it to liquid - coconut oil melts at about 24 degrees)
3. Add your essential oils - I add about 10 drops each of two kinds of oils
4. Mix well
5. Pack in to a silicone mould and refrigerate

And this is the finished product. Just keep it in the fridge in a little bowl during summer because if its just left on the shelf when its warm it will be too soft to use due to the melting point of the coconut oil. Just rub it on your armpits and off you go!

I love being able to make gifts for people. It was my brother-in-laws birthday yesterday and he is a very blokey bloke -the blue singlet, camping, export beer drinking type. Lovable though, with many redeeming characters, not least of all, the good sense to marry my sister. Anyway  I made him his own deodorant with very masculine essential oils. He liked it and said he would test it out with one armpit using my deodorant and the other armpit with commercial crap. I look forward to the results.


  1. Love love it! Thank you for sharing Amy, I will have to try myself soon :) I'd like to share a tip with you too : I have completely stopped using any of the commercial eye make-up removers. They always leave residues of mascara and they hurt. Devi Mamak gave me the magical solution : olive oil! I have since tried with sweet almond organic oil and rosehip oil and it does the job too. Just apply a few drops to your eyelid, gently rub with your fingers, massaging and dragging the make-up away from the eye, then use a wet towel to rub gently. I haven't been waking up to "carbonaceous-looking eyes" ever since!

    1. Yes! I use jojoba oil as its ment to be a nourishing oil for your skin - but they are probably all work just as well. I've also made my own little make up remover pads that I can wash. I hate to see us bellydancers use commercial chemical stuff on our eyes - make up is bad enough! x

  2. This looks so easy (and I can smell its goodness from here) that I might actually have to try it, esp since I have a sensitivity to commercial deoderants. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Great! Give it a go, just be careful about the oils you use as some are not good for sensitive skin, but others are great. Camomile and Lavender are good ones to go for if you have sensitive skin.

  3. We tried our own once, but minus the cornflour or oils. I'm going to try yours. It would be great to find a spray recipe ( if anyone knows of one ).
    Great job, inspiration all round.
    P.S awesome blog.

    1. I haven't heard of any sprays - I wonder what the base would be...I hope you have success with this recipe though!

    2. we have just started making our own roll on to put in reused (nivea) bottles,so far so good, though my partner's more sensitive skin does get a little red from it (possibly the more grainy texture vs the store bought) :)
      we tried the top one.
      still not a spray though :(

  4. This looks great, must try it. I've only tried using bicarb powder under arms previously, as I gather the odour grows on an acid base and the bicarb neutralises the skin preventing odour. Bicarb is good for when you are smelly after physical exertion and can't have a wash or shower - just rub bicarb onto the smelly areas(over basin/bath) and goodbye smell!


  5. What an interesting post, I have never considered making a natural deodorant but with all the bad publicity anti perspirant is receiving this is a brilliant idea. Thank you for sharing. kind regards

  6. Thanks Amy, I kept my home made deodorant in a small tupperware container and it still worked well even when a little melted up in hot Port Hedland! This time I used the essential oils lemongrass,geranium and a little bit of eucalyptus :-)
