
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sneaky chooks

Over the Christmas New Year break we had a heat wave in Perth. The girls went well off the lay, fair enough. But we have also had some lovely weather... But still not heaps of eggs. We'd been wondering if our little faithful brown girls were at the end of their productive lives. But then today we discovered their little secret nest in under the wormwood. There were heaps of eggs! And now we feel bad for ever doubting our wonderful girls. Ads will have to make some serious spreadsheet adjustments.


  1. We thought our hens were on strike too..45 degrees for several weeks....then out walked proud mum..or Auntie from under the house with 8 chicks! Give your ladies some grated cheese or a mashed up tin of's a real "pick-me-up."
    I really enjoyed the TV presentation..Happy gardening...Jo...back of Lightning Ridge

  2. Hi, I saw you on Gardening Australia and really like what you're doing. I wondered if you would like to join in a series of interviews with chook owners that I'm running on my blog. I just realised that I don't have many interviewees from Australia, so I was trying to think of more chook owners and you seem to have kept some great records of your hens' performance, which would be very interesting to share. Please email me on eight dot acres dot liz at gmail dot com if you're interested, and I'll send you the questions. Cheers, Liz
