
Friday, May 4, 2012

Top blog

A while back I entered ReNew magazine's Blog of the Year competition at the behest of one of our lovely followers. I didn't hear back from them so I thought nothing more of it until today. As I was browsing the blog stats I saw a linking URL which caught my attention, the ReNew website. I went to the link and to my surprise and delight found that Sustainaburbia was listed in the top 10 blogs of 2011. Here's what they said:

"A hugely informative blog which demonstrates the ability to make the world more sustainable on a limited budget with limited DIY skills, mainly through behavioural change. It encourages us to embrace our inner creative; with posts ranging from the technicalities of PVs to making own apple juice, it gives practical instructions to help in a variety of ways". (

How lovely, it's nice to get some praise every now and again. Now, with a new sense of worth I shall endeavour to post more often and reach the giddy heights of the competition winner's 800,000 pageviews...


  1. Hey... Congradulations guys, well deserved.


  2. How Fabulous!! But we followers have known this for quite some time, so lovely that you get this recognition. I LOVE your blog and I am so envious of your olive oil crop, well done!!! xx
